Now is the time to upgrade your lighting to LED.
LED lighting is the future of lighting, and we here at Superior have focused our business on providing turnkey LED upgrades for business and facilities of all kind.
Over the past couple of years, our crews have installed thousands and thousands of LED products. From LED lamps, to entire LED fixtures, we have installed pretty much everything.

Sagewood Elementary Gym
So why make the switch?
Every year, energy providers provide millions of dollars to business in the form of rebates to give incentives to upgrade to LED. By upgrading, a company is saving the energy company money by not drawing as much power, thus lowering peak demand. This is why power companies want every business to eventually upgrade to LED from the older, less efficient systems such as fluorescent or HID lighting.

Local Energy Companies
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 40 percent of commercial energy bills account for lighting, on average. LED’s have the potential to drive the lighting portion of an energy bill in half, or even more.
So why is now the time to upgrade?
As stated, local power companies often provide rebates for upgrading lighting. Those rebates, however, do not usually last throughout the whole year. For example, last year OPPD (Omaha Public Power District) exhausted their entire rebate money by June.
This year, Midwestern power companies still have rebate money available. As a trade ally and a licensed electrical contractor, we can work with power companies to get rebate checks issued.

Parking Garage Retrofit
Lastly, rebates typically scale down after every year. Where a power company may have given $5 for a LED lamp in 2019, they may only be giving $3 in 2020. Upgrading as soon as possible with ensure that you get the maximum rebate possible.

McCook Jr. High Lighting Upgrade
Whether you want to upgrade to take advantage of current rebates, you are in need of new lighting, or just want some brighter, crisper LED lighting, give us a call or drop us an email and we can take care of all your lighting needs!